With the sales representative selected, a pop-up window shows details about the sales representative such as phone number and email address. 选择销售代表之后,将出现一个弹出式窗口,显示有关该销售代表的详细信息,如电话号码和邮件地址。
With the choice of configuration policy selected earlier, as long as quorum can be established and at least one node is eligible, the floating resource IP address will remain operational. 因为先前选中了配置策略,只要可以建立quorum,并且至少有一个节点合格,那么浮动资源IP地址就保持正常运作。
The selected value from the control is passed to the Web service to retrieve each piece of data ( such as address and city) through separate calls. 在控件中选中的值传递到Web服务,以获取单独调用得到的每一个数据(比如地址和城市)。
Freeform text most commonly refers to data manually entered and not selected from a standard pick list or data entered without any formatting, such as a complete address in a single field. 自由格式文本经常指手动输入的数据,而不是从标准选择列表选择或不采用任何格式的数据(如单个字段中的完整地址)。
When a document is selected, the location, address, and zip code in this document are published. 选中文档时,位置、地址和邮政编码就会发布出去。
Some of the selected objects have not been added to the destination container because they do not support the grouping attributes used by the destination address book view. 由于不支持目标通讯簿视图所使用的分组属性,选定的部分对象尚未添加到目标容器中。
The selected line or address is in use by another program or device. Your call could not be placed at this time. Try your call again later. 选定的线路或地址正被其他程序或设备占用。此时还不能安排您的呼叫。请稍后重新呼叫。
Perform causal analysis of selected defects and other problems and propose actions to address them. 针对所选的缺陷和其它问题,进行原因分析,并提出处理的行动方案。
Selected service is bound to a receive port which has a receive location with no public address. 所选服务绑定到接收位置没有公共地址的接收端口。
The selected users were successfully added to your address book. 选定的用户已成功添加到您的通讯簿中。
Adds everyone on the to line of the selected messages to your address book. 将所选邮件“收件人”行中的所有人都添加到通讯簿中。
The selected mailbox cannot be moved because it may have been hidden from address lists. 无法移动选定的邮箱,因为地址列表中可能已不显示此邮箱。
If contacts in the group you selected have multiple addresses or phone numbers, you can choose which address or phone number to use for each contact. 如果所选择组别中的联系人有多个地址或电话号码,则可以为每个联系人选取要使用的地址或电话号码。
If terminal removal task at the user's acquisition point is selected, client number, client name, address, contact person and telephone shall be automatically generated in the removal working list according to the task list. 如果选定的是关口采集点的拆除任务,则根据拆除任务单在拆除丁作单中自动生成关口编号、关口名称、地址、联系人及联系电话等信息。
Furthermore, none of the crops grown today were originally selected to address all our nutritional requirements. 而且,今天生长的作物中,还没有一种被选择来解决我们所有的营养需求。
Curriculum planning reflects the students selected fields of expertise for the future development of higher education must address the practical issue. 课程规划反映出学生所选专业领域的未来发展,是高等教育必须解决的一个现实课题。
Do you want to cancel adding the remaining selected directory service entries to your Address Book? 是否不将剩下的目录服务添加到通讯簿中?
Once you have selected the Business City, Township, Suburb or Locality you will need to enter the Street Address for the Business. 一旦你选择了商业城市,城镇,市郊或地点,你将需要为你的商业输入街道地址。
If you want to move instantly to a selected location in memory, you can do so by using a drag-and-drop operation or by editing the value in the address box. 如果要立即转到内存中的选定位置,可以使用拖放操作或在“地址”框中编辑值的方法来这样做。
Select the resources you want to assign to the selected tasks, and then choose the assign button. or, choose the address button to add resources from the mail address book. 请先选定要分配给选定任务的资源,然后单击“分配”按钮;或者单击“地址”按钮,从通讯簿中添加资源。
No items selected for adding to your Address Book. 没有选定任何要添加到通讯簿中的项目。
The directory path and filename you selected for the personal address book file is too long. 为个人通讯簿文件而选择的路径和文件名太长。
Has the training program been selected to address the most critical needs of the company? 培训项目是不是为解决企业最关键的需要而设计的?
Are you sure that you want to permanently remove the selected user ( s) from this Address Book? 是否确认要从此通讯簿中永久删除所选用户?
Then, within each pair of duplicates, one contact is selected as the duplicate and the other contact is retained in the address book. 然后,每一对重复联系人中,有一个联系人会被选为重复的联系人,另一个保留。
You have selected import filtering, but no address formats are specified. 已经选定了导入筛选,但未指定地址格式。
In computer network, The traditional routing selected on the basis of the destination address of IP packet. 计算机网络中,传统的路由是根据IP包的目的地址进行路由选择。